Komm. Leitung Hochschulinfrastruktur

Ralf-Dieter Person

E-Mail person@his-he.de
Mobil +49 160 90624061
Telefon +49 511 169929-14

Leitung bauliche Hochschulentwicklung

Korinna Haase

E-Mail haase@his-he.de
Mobil +49 151 72644760
Telefon +49 511 169929-49


Dr. Maren Lübcke

E-Mail luebcke@his-he.de
Mobil +49 151 62955162
Telefon +49 511 169929-19


Silke Heise

E-Mail heise@his-he.de
Mobil +49 151 72642896
Telefon +49 511 169929-57


Kendra Rensing

E-Mail rensing@his-he.de
Mobil +49 171 1292613
Telefon +49 511 169929-46

Allgemeine Anfragen

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Telefon +49 511 169929-0

Survey on the Status of Digitization at German HEI

In: European Journal of Higher Education IT 01/2020




Harald Gilch, Anna Sophie Beise, René Krempkow, Marko Müller, Friedrich Stratmann, Klaus Wannemacher


The results of a survey on the digitization of universities in Germany prove that digitization is of great
importance for the three dimensions of research, teaching and learning and administration in general,
but that the actual implementation status of digitization at German universities is much more restrained. Particularly in the area of administration, the actual level of digitization accomplished at German
universities is still regarded as comparatively low. If the IT infrastructures and the systems implemented are analyzed, the status quo is characterized by a large amount of different systems, most of
which do not yet allow continuous workflows and are hardly integrated. Many universities show
completely different levels of maturity for different systems.

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