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zu HIS-HE:Magazin 1/2023: An Irish-German approach to discussing sustainability and sustainability reporting in Higher Education

aus: HIS-HE: Magazin 1|2023




Gisela Holfter, Andrea Deverell, Philipp Nußbaum


It all started in early 2023 with the idea that there needs to be far more exchange on how sustainability issues are approached at university level and how we can engage with them, harnessing expertise in different countries, which means in our context Ireland and Germany. The starting point for this article was an event organised by the Centre for Irish-German Studies in February 2023. The framework for this event was the decision to focus in 2023 on the topic of sustainable development and environmental issues. In the following we will briefly explain and discuss the current situation of and differences between sustainability reporting in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Ireland and Germany, as a first exploration of how a comparison between international practices might give an indication of best practice in an area where there are still many different approaches.